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#vss365 – February 2020 – #25

Week 25 participating in the very popular #vss365 challenge on Twitter. The aim, to write a daily Very Short Story in less than 280 characters, a single tweet. Yes, that’s characters! Not words.

The prompts themselves are seemingly random single words, the whim of this month’s challenge setter. This months fun is organised by @Katz.  I’ve taken some liberties with formatting simply because WordPress is not Twitter and to make it easier to read.

This weeks image is not a sighting of the Loch Ness monster or a drowning luckdragon. It is, in fact, Archer in his natural habit, a muddy pond. Never happier. When I haven’t been getting soaked throwing sticks in ponds I’ve been tidying up a bunch of stalled stories, that might just see the light of day over the next week.

Sunday 16th February – Creed

“There’s got to be rules? You can’t just go about killing people!” said the girl.
“I can’t?”
“Surely you’ve got a #creed?”
“A what?”
“You know like an assassins #creed?”
“Oh, yeah. No. Not really. Well, I don’t kill kids. Unless they keep asking stupid questions!”

Monday 17th February – Greed

The discovery of a gene for #greed could not have come at a more critical time. Poised on the brink of disaster, the GRE8 retrovirus would save mankind from itself. Man’s insatiable appetite finally curbed, obesity, consumerism and capitalism disappeared almost overnight.

Tuesday 18th February – Infiltrate

For a decade we’ve tried to #infiltrate Area 51. Each time we’d get close, they’d find us and escort us from the facility. Sometimes they’d press charges, not that a night in a cell would ever stop us. We know the truth, you see, and one day we will get back to our ship.

Wednesday 19th February – Purpose

“I should thank you,” he said, spitting blood.
“Thank me?”
“Yes, thank you for giving my life #purpose.”
“What purpose has a dead man?”
“Probably little,” he said, grinning at his captor. “But a martyr, well…”
The gunshot reverberated far beyond the prison cell.

Thursday 20th February – Soldier

“So, you wanna be a #soldier, son?” said the farmer.
“I wanna fight!”
“Yea, no doubt. I was the same.”
“You fought?”
“Yeah, me and my mates. We all signed up. Fought over there as a matter of fact,” he said, pointing to the wheat field. “Most of them still over there.”

Friday 21st February – Solution

Every problem has a #solution. Most problems have many solutions. Have you ever wondered what happens to all those solutions that don’t get used? All those rejected choices, paths not travelled. Well, truth be known, left to their own devices many will become the problem.

Saturday 22nd February – Peace

The funeral was well attended, friends and family outnumbered by fans.
“In death may he find the #peace he could not find in life,” said the priest.
“How’s that working out for you?” asked a fan.
The deceased star stared at his ghostly groupies. “Where can I get a drink?”

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