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Time to Heal

This week’s writing prompt courtesy of Carrot Ranch’sFlash Fiction Challenge is to write a 99-word story (no more no less) that includes the “greatest gift“. When you sit and think about it, we have so many gifts. Some are not always obvious and some can appear to be more like curses. This may not seem like the greatest of them until you need it!

“I don’t understand, why can’t you just bring her back?”, he sobbed, “You could just bring her back!”
“I can’t,” said Death, “I don’t choose who lives and who dies.”
“Your Death!” he spat, “If you don’t choose, who does?”
Death shrugged and pointed up, “Someone upstairs.”
He shook his head,“ I don’t want to live without her, I can’t!”
Death looked down and played with his hourglass.
“Please!” he pleaded, staring into empty sockets.
“I can give you something that will help,” said Death.
“The only gift I have,” said Death, handing over the full hourglass, “Time!”

Cover image courtesy of: Aron Visuals

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