

A Bloggers Guide to Being Hacked

25th August 2019 — 0


I haven’t written many technical posts of late. I’ve been having far more fun writing fiction. My flights of fancy, however, came down to earth with a bump earlier this week when I discovered a couple of my sites had been hacked. Including this blog.


#vss365 – August 2019 – #2

17th August 2019 — 3


Week 2 of participating in the very popular #vss365 challenge on Twitter. The aim. To write a daily Very Short Story in less than 280 characters, a single tweet. Yes, that’s characters! Not words. Here are my efforts from my first full week.


The Intercept

12th August 2019 — 9


This is is my first entry for the August 2019 Blog Battle. The challenge is to deliver a piece of fiction in 1000 words featuring the word/concept of an “Intercept”. Rotating the genre’s a bit, as this one is more a thriller. Enjoy!


#vss365 – August 2019 – #1

10th August 2019 — 0


I’m always hunting for interesting writing prompts. So it’s with some surprise it’s taken me so long to find the very popular #vss365 challenge on Twitter. The aim. To write a daily Very Short Story in less than 280 characters, a single tweet. Yes, characters! Not words.

I’ve decided to collate them into a weekly post, because why not. The prompts themselves are seemingly random single words, the whim of that month’s challenge setter. This months fun has been organised by @LadySabrielle. I’ve taken some liberties with formatting simply because WordPress is not Twitter and to make it easier to read. Only 5 this week I turned up late.

The cover image is just going to be some random shot from the week, expect lots of nature and dogs.