

Diabolical Demonist

9th December 2019 — 1


Well, this is a failed bit of writing. It was meant to be a drabble – i.e. 100 words. I blew straight through that with little hope of editing it back into line and to be quite honest I was having too much fun with it. Another failed experiment, but who says you can’t have a bit of fun on the way.


Last Night

9th December 2019 — 4


This week’s photo writing prompt courtesy of Sue Vincent’s great #writephoto challenge is entitled “shimmer”. The goal – to write a story based on the lovely photo below. I did write this purely as a drama, but I rebelled at the last and was compelled to put a sci-fi twist on it (460 words). Be sure to check out the other great takes by clicking on the link above and if you haven’t already, why not have a go yourself.