I ended up re-running week 6 day 1 and 2, as I managed to put my back out at the weekend. We were picking up a new puppy (Archer – see other posts) and the plan was we were going to train him to go in an outside doggy toilet. So I got up early on the Saturday Delivery-Day and spent 3 hours digging and generally getting his latrine sorted. We then went down to Folkestone picked him up and as I went to get back in the car something in my back when twang. By the time we got home my back was spasming at the slightest provocation and I was reduced to shuffling around after the new puppy.
We had family round (it was the day of the England quarter finals in the World Cup) for a BBQ and I was struggling to move around let alone deal with a new puppy that needed picking up every few minutes. So it took a couple of days before I could move around without my back complaining. So between that and the demands of a new puppy it was almost a week before I could get back to running. The interesting thing is I wanted to get out and run, partly I suspect because I was cooped up with a furry terror for 24 hours a day (he can’t go out until he gets his second set of jabs, which is another 4 weeks – so we are both grounded).
I had left off at W6R3 and I thought (after a week out) I had better ease myself back into it, rather than go straight to the 25m run. It was a pleasant Friday evening run around the local park, it had been warm during the day but there was a cool breeze by this point that made it nice and fresh. I always assumed come the evening the park was full of drug dealers and teenagers up to no good, there have been a few stories in the past, but in reality on a delightful summer evening it was full of families out with their kids, the usual dog walkers and a number of OAP’s.
Week 6 – run 1 (12/07/2018)
I fired up the app and setup W6R1 again (5m+8+5m) and shoved my regular running playlist on. I was hardly breathing hard after the first 5 minutes, I had ensured the pace was very slow to ease myself in. Recovered in probably less than 30 seconds. Onto the 8 minutes run, and found an even longer route around the park, making a lap now closer to 12 minutes at my current pace by my estimation. Again paced myself and was happy to get through to the last minute in good form, I was actually enjoying it. It took about a minute and half to recover. Onto the last run another 5 minutes, easy in fact picked a route that was a little more uphill to try and make it harder for myself.
Two weeks ago I had run this same session and it had been a living hell, today it was probably one of the best runs I’ve had and I honestly enjoyed it. What changed? It wasn’t my physical capabilities if anything I’d probably gone backwards in the last week. Better pacing for sure made a huge difference, if I compare the two runs that’s a big factor. Over confidence was the main problem in the previous run, this time I was confident but I was also super critical that I didn’t hurt myself doing it. That seemed to make a huge difference.
Run Rating : 

Week 6 – run 2 (14/07/2018)
I re-ran W6D2 (2x10m) in the baking midday heat on the Sunday, with a new puppy to take care off I take my chances to run where I can. I popped up to the local park, lots of people out all of them in the shade of the trees. The first 10 minute run was pretty easy, generally getting out to 8 minutes before getting a bit panty. Recovered within the first minute of the 3 minute walk The second run I got to about 6 minutes before I started to feel it. The last couple of minutes were very slow in comparison to my earlier pace. but whatever it takes.
My running form continues to improve, I noticed a few times that I had a nice rhythm that was very easy to just keep going without a lot of mental or physical effort. I still find it helps to break these runs down into 5 minutes sections and just tell myself to run that 5 minutes.
I still get negative “why not quit” thoughts but it’s easier to ignore them the more times you do the same distances. These thoughts are generally at their worst at the start of the run and they tend to elude to how far it is and how difficult it will get. it’s fairly easy to ignore them when you can get to 8 minutes without struggling. I tend to just go back to focussing on now.
My feet don’t hurt anymore in the walks between runs which is a major bonus. I still get a touch of nausea, in this case in the last 2 minutes of the second 10m run, I take it is a sign I’m digging deep, on longer runs it’s a danger sign and something I’ll need to actively manage, i.e. I shouldn’t be digging deep when there’s a lot of time still to go. much better to slow down and back off.
The next run is W6D3 a 25m straight run. Should be interesting, I’ve still got a mental block when it comes to these “long” runs, I’m honestly not convinced I can do it. But I definitely should be able to get to the 20 minute mark and I’m hoping having got there I’ll have enough to push on for another 5 minutes.
I feel like this is the last hurdle, todays run was the last with breaks in the program and like a reluctant horse approaching a big jump I keep balking at it. I need to get my shit together and get used to it, it’s the new norm from next week, just like 1, 3, 5, 8, 10 mins all became norms.